Dronebot Combat System

Beginning from the development of Korea’s first unmanned ground control system, Defense Robot Remote Control Station, in 2005, HSS has developed various control systems for unmanned ground robots including Dog-Horse Robot, Light Battle Multi Robot, Ground Surveillance Vehicle, etc.
Going forward, Hanwha Systems is planning to develop an integrated operation system that would combine manned and unmanned systems together, by fully utilizing its industry-leading technology base as well as the new technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution, in order to better respond to the future ground warfare.

  • Improve mission success rates by automatically generating missions based on the maneuverability, survivability and communicability analysis result
  • Enhance usability based on automatic mission controls of multiple heterogeneous robots and multiple tasks
  • Improve situational awareness and sense of reality based on AR and force direction haptics
드론봇 전투체계 운용개념 : 지휘소 - 정찰/중계 드론 - 지상무인체계 통제시스템, 유인전투체계(기동·화력·방공) - 정찰/공격 드론, 무인차량 - 적보병/적 전차


2005년~: 국방로봇, 견마로봇 / 2010년~: 표적획득지능화, 기지방호로봇 / 2015년~: 경전투용 다중로봇 통합운용제어 시험개발 / 2019년~: 무인수색차량 탐색개발, 드론봇 통합관제체계 및 네트워크 구축 / 2021년~: 드론봇 전투체계, 무인수색차량 체계개발, 군집드론 / 2025년~: 유무인복합체계 중전투로봇


  • Integrated Command and
    Control System For
    Light Combat
    Multi Robot

  • System Control Vehicle
    for Unmanned
    Surveillance System