- 현재 페이지경로
Hanwha Systems is providing IEPS(Integrated Electronics Platform System) which plays the role of brain for various maneuvering, firing, air defense and weapon systems operated to maximize fighting capabilities at the ground battlefields.
Our engineers are currently developing Warrior Platform that enhances each combatant’s mission performance capabilities by applying advanced technologies to soldier’s individual gears as well as Remote Control Solution that is the key to operating unmanned ground systems.
In order to help the Land Forces maximize their fighting strengths, Hanwha Systems is offering hyper-connected, automated, intelligent and unmanned land system solutions.
- IEPS (Integrated Electronics Platform System)
- For more than 30 years, Hanwha Systems has developed and provided fire control systems for K2 Tank, K21 Armored Vehicle, K9 Self-propelled Howitzer and 30mm AAGW(Anti-Aircraft Gun Wheeled Vehicle). By taking advantage of its experience and technologies, Hanwha Systems is developing fire control system for new weapon systems such as AUDS(Anti-UAV Defense System) lasers, etc. See products
- Warrior Platform
- Hanwha Systems has continuously performed R&D activities for the past 10 years to develop Warrior Platform in order to maximize individual combatant’s survivability, maneuverability, mission sustainment, fighting capabilities, command & control and situation awareness capabilities. See products
- Dronebot Combat System
- In 2005, Hanwha Systems began R&D activities for unmanned ground robots and dronebots by initiating the developments for remote control station for Defense Robot, Korea’s first unmanned ground robot system. See products
- Smart Loitering Munition Drone System
- Smart Loitering Munition Drone System is comprised of ground devices that include system integration unit, air vehicle, ground control device and launching device; datalink that transmits and receives data to and from air vehicle or ground control device; and mission device that performs the drone’s main missions. See products
- MISS (Mobilized Integrated Surveillance System)
- MISS uses radar sensors, image observation sensors and reconnaissance drones to detect and identify LOS(Line of Sight) and N-LOS(Non Line of Sight) targets. In order to ensure a rapid response to identified targets, MISS also reports observation results to higher commands on a real time basis. See products