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Naval Combat System

Naval Combat System

We have a solid track record in combat system area, built over the past 30 years by delivering numerous combat systems for more than 80 ships ranging from destroyer, frigate, fast attack craft to submarine, etc.
As the central nerve system of naval vessels, combat system detects incoming threats approaching simultaneously by using on-board sensors, performs analysis and gives commands to weapons systems like naval guns in order to remove the threats.

  • Open-structure,
    modular design to support
    Scalability and
  • Ergonomics design
    to improve
    Ease of Use
  • Integration and Control of
    Combat Systems’ Resources
    Systems Interface
What is Naval Combat System?
해양 전투체계 - CMS를 기준으로 항해체계 / 센서체계 / 무장체계 / 전술통신체계, Baseline1~4의 제품군
해양 전투체계 - CMS를 기준으로 항해체계 / 센서체계 / 무장체계 / 전술통신체계, Baseline1~4의 제품군
· Baseline 1.0 : Naval Shield ICMS is the first local indigenous product developed on the basis of pure Korean technologies during the years of 2003 ~ 2007
· Baseline 2.0 : The most up to date Open Architecture, International Military Standards, ICT, COTS and MOTS technologies have been being applied since year 2008
· Baseline 3.0 : High computing and virtual technologies based hardware and modular software architecture with enhanced software maintainability are being applied since 2017
· Baseline 4.0 : Technologies of integrated computing(CMS merges sensors & weapons control), ballistic missile control and composite warfare engagement chains are being applied under ongoing R&D
CS Functional Chain (Sensor to Shooter) / Sensor - Combat System - Weapon
CS Functional Chain (Sensor to Shooter) / Sensor - Combat System - Weapon
최첨단 구축함(KDDX) 자함방어, 구역방어, 광역방어/탄도탄방어(미래)
최첨단 구축함(KDDX) 자함방어, 구역방어, 광역방어/탄도탄방어(미래)


  • KDDX
    (Korea Destroyer Next Generation)

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    KDDX(Korea Destroyer Next Generation)

    한국형 차기구축함(KDDX) 전투체계
    한국형 차기구축함(KDDX) 전투체계
    KDDX combat system using I-MAST, which integrates radar and communication devices and antenna into one single system in order to improve the survivability of naval vessels.
    Sensors and weapons systems mounted on a naval vessel are integrated to support tactical situations assessment, provision of information feeds required for combat commanding decisions, weapons allocations, mission engagements by each component’s operations (anti-air, anti-ballistic missile, anti-ship, anti-ground force, EW, etc.)
  • FFX Batch-III
    (Frigate eXperimental Batch-III)

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    FFX Batch-III (Frigate eXperimental Batch-III)

    울산급(FFX Batch-III) 전투체계
    울산급(FFX Batch-III) 전투체계
    Hanwha Systems’ Synthetic Sensor Mast was Korea’s first synthetic sensor mast development. Synthetic Sensor Mast combines Combat Management System with the sensors including 4-sided hull-fixed phased array MFR(Multi-Function Radar) and IRST(Infrared Search and Track.)
    Under multiple simultaneous situations, FFX Combat System can integrate and process the information collected from own-ship sensors as well as from external sources in order to use the information for the naval vessel’s command & control and weapons control.
    FFX Batch III combat system is the Navy’s most up-to-date combat system of which the architecture is based on virtualization technology, high computing power integration system design technology and real time middleware with its security features reinforced. Read more
  • PN-FFG
    (The Philippine Frigate)

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    PN-FFG (The Philippine Frigate)

    필리핀 호위함(PN-FFG) 전투체계
    필리핀 호위함(PN-FFG) 전투체계
    PN-FFG Combat System was developed for the export purpose, based on the field proven FFX Batch II Combat System. Being mounted on the Jose Rizal-Class Frigate of the Philippine Navy, this combat system provides for the integration of various sensors including own-ship sensors, weapons sensors with tactical data links. It is also capable of performing ant-ship, anti-submarine and electronic warfare operations.
    • Baseline 2 applied.
    • Standards combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
    • Integration with tactical datalinks
    (Korean Submarine-III)

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    KSS-III (Korean Submarine-III)

    장보고-III(KSS-III) 전투체계
    장보고-III(KSS-III) 전투체계
    KSS-III Combat System will be mounted on ROK Navy’s Jang Bogo-class Submarine.
    It is interfaced with underwater acoustic sensor, optical mast sensors as well as with weapons systems including torpedoes, mines, guided missiles, etc., in order to perform submarine missions such as target surveillance and tracking, weapons assignment and engagement, etc.
  • KDX-III Batch-II
    (Korea Destroyer eXperimental-III Batch-II)

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    KDX-III Batch-II (Korea Destroyer eXperimental-III Batch-II)

    광개토-III Batch-II(KDX-III B2) 전투체계
    광개토-III Batch-II(KDX-III B2) 전투체계
    KDX-III B2 applies the Aegis Integrated Combat System, which is capable of simultaneously undertaking anti-air, anti-ship and anti-surface warfare.
    It is connected with various sensors including SPY-1D search and tracking radar, the EOTS (Electro-Optical Targeting System) and the electronic warfare devices as well as weapons systems including 5-inch naval gun, anti-air, anti-ship, and anti-surface missiles and torpedoes and the close-in weapon systems in order to perform effective engagements thru target surveillance, tracking and threat assessment.
    • NOA based open architecture, modular design software is applied to the Aegis combat system.
    • KIF: Development of interfaces between the Aegis Combat System and other naval systems
    • K-GCS : Applied Korea’s local design technologies to the Aegis Combat System for gun firing control.
    (Korea Destroyer eXperimental-I Performance Improvement Combat System)

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    KDX-I PIP (Korea Destroyer eXperimental-I
    Performance Improvement Combat System)

    구축함 성능개량(KDX-ⅠPIP) 전투체계
    구축함 성능개량(KDX-ⅠPIP) 전투체계
    KDX-I PIP is intended to replace the existing KDX-I combat system with the most up-to-date, locally developed combat system.
    Link-16(NATO Digital Tactical Datalink) is installed on KDX-I PIP Combat System, which enables joint or combined forces to share their information and have theater tactical situation awareness. Therefore, under multiple simultaneous combat situations, the combat system can process the information collected from own-ship surveillance sensors and from other sensors all together, in support of commanding decisions and weapons control.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
  • MY-TRV
    (Malaysia Training Vessel)

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    MY-TRV (Malaysia Training Vessel)

    말레이시아 훈련함(MY-TRV) 전투체계
    말레이시아 훈련함(MY-TRV) 전투체계
    MY-TRV Combat System is the export purpose combat system developed with Korea’s local technologies. This system is linked with EOTS (Electro-Optical Targeting System) and weapons systems like 30 mm naval guns, etc., for anti-air and anti-submarine operations. Thru target surveillance, tracking, threat assessment, weapons control, the combat system supports commanding decisions, engagement operations and on-board trainings
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
    • Interface with EOTS and 30mm naval guns
  • FFX Batch-II
    (Frigate eXperimental Batch-II)

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    FFX Batch-II (Frigate eXperimental Batch-II)

    차기호위함(FFX Batch-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    차기호위함(FFX Batch-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    FFX is a new frigate to replace patrol boats like FF(Frigate) and PCC(Patrol Combat Corvette) currently in operation.
    Under multiple simultaneous combat situations, FFX Combat System can support anti-air, anti-ship, anti-submarine and electronic warfare operations simultaneously.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
  • PKMR
    (Patrol Killer Medium Rocket)

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    PKMR (Patrol Killer Medium Rocket)

    차기고속정(PKX-B) 전투체계
    차기고속정(PKX-B) 전투체계
    PKMR is the next generation patrol boat to replace PKM(Patrol Killer Medium) currently being deployed. Under multiple simultaneous combat situations, PKMR Combat System is capable of processing all the collected target information to support commanding decisions and weapons controls. It also assists combat commands and weapons controls for both fleet level or single ship combat missions. Also, in consideration of the boat’s small-sized features, the combat system is designed as a light-weight and small-sized unit, making it easier to install and maintain the system in a narrow and confined operation environment.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
    • Light-weight, small-sized design for easy and convenient installation and maintenance
  • MLS-II
    (Mine Layer Ship-II)

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    MLS-II (Mine Layer Ship-II)

    차기기뢰부설함(MLS-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    차기기뢰부설함(MLS-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    MLS-II is the next generation mine layer ship that lays mines around the key ports to protect the ports from enemy submarines and ships. MLS-II Combat System supports anti-air, anti-ship, and anti-submarine operations and performs the commanding and support ship functions for mine counter forces. At normal times, MLS-II Combat System is utilized as a platform to support trainings on FFX-I, LST-II, MLS-II Combat Systems.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure and modular design
  • LST-II
    (Landing Ship Tank-II)

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    LST-II (Landing Ship Tank-II)

    차기상륙함(LST-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    차기상륙함(LST-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    LST-II is the next generation Land Ship, Tank that will replace the existing LST being deployed. LST-II Combat System is intended to support Marine Corps’ landing operations. It will be equipped with 3D surveillance radar, EOTS sensors to conduct anti-air, anti-submarine and Compound War. Thru its interfaces with the weapons systems including 40 mm naval gun, SAAM(Surface to Air Anti-Ship Missile) and MASS(Multi Ammunition Soft-kill System), etc., LST-II Combat System effectively performs target surveillance, tracking, threat assessment and weapons controls in support of commanding decision and combat engagement.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
    • Interfaces with 3D surveillance radar, EOTS, 40 mm naval gun, SAAM(Surface to Air Anti-Ship Missile) and MASS(Multi Ammunition Soft-kill System)
  • FFX-I
    (Frigate Guided missile)

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    FFX-I (Frigate Guided missile)

    차기호위함(FFX-Ⅰ) 전투체계
    차기호위함(FFX-Ⅰ) 전투체계
    FFX-I Ulsan-class Frigate will replace frigates and patrol boats currently in operation. FFX-I Combat System will be equipped with 3D surveillance radar, tracking radar, EOTS and ECCM sensors to perform anti-air, anti-submarine, anti-surface and Compound War operations. Also, it will be interfaced with weapons systems such as 5 inch naval gun, anti-air, anti-ship, anti-surface missiles, torpedoes and CIWS-II (Close-In Weapons System-II) to support effective operation command and successful engagement.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • Standard combat system architecture
    • COE(Common Operating Environment) applied
    • NOA based open structure, modular design
    • Combat system training mode is available
    • Internal and external system interface analysis
  • PKG
    (Patrol Killer Guided Missile Ship)

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    PKG (Patrol Killer Guided Missile Ship)

    유도탄고속함 전투체계
    유도탄고속함 전투체계
    PKG Combat System operates the ship’s command and weapons systems. The combat system is linked with sensors such as surveillance radar, tracking radar and EOTS to assist Compound War operations including naval gunfire support. Also, thru its interfaces with weapons systems including 76mm and 40mm naval guns, SSM(Surface to Surface Missile) and MASS (Multi Ammunition Soft-kill System), the combat system supports commanding decision and tactical responses.
    • Baseline 1 applied
    • Korea’s first 100% local development in this category.
    • High precision, advanced ballistic trajectory computation technology applied
    • Interfaces with surveillance radar and tracking radar
    • Combat system training mode is available
    • OMG DDS applied
    • Synchronized video and data recording and play function
  • LPH
    (Landing Platform Helicopter)

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    LPH (Landing Platform Helicopter)

    대형수송함(LPH) 전투체계
    대형수송함(LPH) 전투체계
    LPH is a warfare ship used to land and support amphibious forces during combined or joint operations. As one of the Navy’s key military strength, LPH is responsible for supporting the transport and commanding of maneuvering units.
    LPH Combat System is comprised of CFCS(Command and Fire Control System) for own-ship defense and CSS(Command Support System) in support of maneuvering units.
    • Baseline 2 applied
    • CFCS(Command and Fire Control System)+ CSS(Command Support System)
    • Tactical mode and training mode can be operated simultaneously
  • DDH-II
    (Destroyer Helicopter-II)

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    DDH-II (Destroyer Helicopter-II)

    한국형 구축함(KDX-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    한국형 구축함(KDX-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    DDH-II Combat System provides for command & control of Maritime Battle Group(subordinate ships.) Its functions include warning and attack on the air, sea, and underwater threats, sea zone air defense, naval gunfire support, landing operation plan/assault and sea transport route protection.
  • DDH-I
    (Destroyer Helicopter-I)

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    DDH-I (Destroyer Helicopter-I)

    한국형 구축함(KDX-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    한국형 구축함(KDX-Ⅱ) 전투체계
    DDH-I Combat System provides for command and control of subordinate and assigned units belonging to a regional fleet. Under the specific combat situations of each component operation, DDH-I combat system connects all the onboard sensors, weapons systems and various tactical datalinks for integrated operation, enabling the commanding officer to perform the ship’s mission operations.
  • WSA-423
    (Weapon Ship Automation-423)

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    WSA-423 (Weapon Ship Automation-423)

    WSA-423 is one of the key naval gun fire control systems. It consists of FCS, radar and EOTS. It is interfaced with Gyro, Log, Link-14, sonar, ESM, Harpoon, 76mm gun, 40mm gun, IFF, navigation radar and DA05 radar to perform the device controls and firing mission.
  • Smart DDS

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    Smart DDS

    Smart DDS
    Smart DDS
    OMG DDS(Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems) is an international standard based real-time communication middleware developed by Hanwha Systems
    • Assuring real-time communication based on the optimum data distribution function in distributed system environment
    • Confirmed to be a reliable and secure system as it has been applied to various weapons systems including combat systems
    • Its quality and performances have been provided as it acquired SW accreditation (Good Software) from Telecommunications Technology Association of Korea
    • International standard technology-based DDS to provide for high level of interoperability
    • Enabling the development of light software architecture based on data-centric communications
    • Responding flexibly to system configuration changes to offer a high level of scalability
    • Efficient resource utilization as data transmission policy can be set up per the purpose of reception/transmission
    • Supporting standard-based middleware security technology such as user authorization, access control, data encryption, etc.
    Read more

Main Facilities

  • Naval Combat Management System Test Site
    • Large-sized test site that can accommodate combat system Integration tests
    • LBTS(Land Based Test System) is available to perform naval combat system’s integration tests.
    • Land based testing environment is prepared to support unit tests and Factory acceptance tests, etc.
    • Dimension : 56m x 30m x 6.5m
  • Software Test Lab
    • Korea’s indigenous model-based naval combat system software development
    • Combat system SW development/SW integration/verification tests
    • M&S based combat simulation tests and effects analysis
    • Core algorithm development and tests