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Warrior Platform

Warrior Platform

Thru continuous R&D activities of the past 10 years, Hanwha Systems has been developing Warrior Platform in order to maximize individual combatant’s survivability, maneuverability, mission sustainment, fighting capabilities, command & control and situation awareness capabilities.
Being a part of Warrior Platform, Individual Combat System connects each combatant to small unit’s tactical networks so as to provide individual soldiers with IRS and surgical strike capabilities under NCW environment. In addition, cutting-edge technologies are applied to personal gears of soldiers in order to maximize soldier’s mission performance capabilities.
After completing Phase I of Warrior Platform Project, of which the purpose was s to improve uniform, combat gears and equipment, the project has now evolved to Phase II(Combining) and Phase III(Integrated). Warrior Platform Project has contributed to maximizing individual combatant’s survivability, maneuverability, mission sustainment, fighting capabilities, command & control and situation awareness capabilities.

  • SWaP+C-based
    System Integration
  • Improved operational
    convenience by applying
    ergonomics design
  • High performing,
    ultra-small and ultra-light
    Mission Gears
  • SWaP+C: Size, Weight and Power + Cost
워리어플랫폼 운용 개념
워리어플랫폼 운용 개념


  • Individual Battlefield
    Visualization System

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    Individual Battlefield Visualization System(FDP, Full Develop Phase)

    개인 전장 가시화 체계(FDP): 지휘소-전장상황인식 및 공유-감시정찰
    개인 전장 가시화 체계(FDP): 지휘소-전장상황인식 및 공유-감시정찰
    Individual Battlefield Visualization System is intended to enable individual solders under non-linear combat environment to acquire and share battlefield situations, so that they can be assured of better survivability while performing their combat missions successfully.
    For the past 10 years, Hanwha Systems has developed the core technologies required for Individual Battlefield Visualization System. Going forward, we will continuously work on the development of Individual Battlefield Visualization System by combining its mature defense technologies with high-tech commercial technologies, thus offering a clear battlefield situation awareness for Individual soldiers and maximizing their fighting capabilities and survivability.
  • Combined Experiment
    Model for Ultra-Narrow
    Band Image Compression
    & Transmission Terminal

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    Combined Experiment Model for Ultra-Narrow Band Image Compression & Transmission Terminal

    초협대역 영상압축 및 전송 단말 통합 실험모델
    초협대역 영상압축 및 전송 단말 통합 실험모델
    Hanwha Systems developed core technologies that enable transmission and reception of surveillance video images over ultra-narrow band, tactical wireless networks.
    This technology can be implemented as a software on the standard platforms like Android or Windows.
    As the image information transmission can help the commanding officers make decisions immediately, the transmission technology can be utilized by various weapon systems including Warrior Platform.
  • Optimum Prototype
    Implementation for
    Intelligent Survival

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    ISPS(Intelligent Survival and Protection System)

    생존보호체계 실험시제
    생존보호체계 실험시제
    ISPS Prototype Development Project is one of the most advanced, core technology developments in the areas of battlefield situation awareness, bio-signal monitoring, smart adjustment, bullet proofing, NBC(Nuclear, Biological and Chemical), LPI(Low Probability Intercept) and camouflages, all of which are essential elements for individual combat systems.
    Hanwha Systems has been involved in ISPS development for the past 10 years since it became the first Korean company that developed Bock-I, the system integration prototype of future soldier system.
    Now Hanwha Systems has completed system integration prototype development of Block-II. Going forward, Hanwha Systems will continue to develop Block-III system technology, thus contributing to enhancing ROK Forces’ Strength.
  • Individual Combat
    Ultra-small IFF

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    Ultra-Small IFF(Identification Friend or Foe)

    질문기, 응답기, 처리, 전원공급기, 시뮬레이터(시스템운용모의기), 시뮬레이터(성능시험장비)
    질문기, 응답기, 처리, 전원공급기, 시뮬레이터(시스템운용모의기), 시뮬레이터(성능시험장비)
    Ultra-Small IFF Development Project is to develop a very small-sized, light weight IFF(Identification Friend or Foe) by using laser devices applicable to individual combat systems.
    For the past 4 decades, Hanwha Systems has been developing core technologies required for IFF devices and laser combat systems. As our IFF device can provide individual combatants with a quick and precise identification of friend or foe by utilizing laser and RF signals, it helps them to avoid so-called “friendly firing,” thus contributing to improving soldiers’ survivability and securing the forces’ dominance at the battlefield.