Cyber Security
As one of the leading defense electronics providers, Hanwha Systems directly manufactures the weapons systems in need of information protection as well as cyber protection. Since the cyber protection functions have to be provided as built-in functions based on each weapon system’s unique functionality, the existing weapon systems manufacturers are best positioned to develop and provide cyber protection functions optimized for each weapon system.
- Features
Performing core
technology development
projects with the target to
complete system
developments by
year 2024 -
Playing the central
role in cyber security area
from 2015.
Developed Cyber Situation
Awareness and Security
Developing core
technologies including
network intrusion inference
and intrusion tolerance,
analysis of weapons
systems’ cyber
vulnerabilities, etc.
- Cyber Warfare Management System
- How to secure and maintain the dominance in the cyber battlefield is of the crucial importance for the future warfare. Cyber Warfare Management System is comprised of three main areas: cyber intelligence gathering, cyber command and control and cyber active response. See products
- Maritime Cyber Security
- Whether maritime cyber security, for which the most sophisticated ICT is being applied nowadays, is in place or not directly affects the safety of ships. In recognition of the need for maritime cyber security implementation, International Maritime Organization(IMO) made the recommendation for all merchant vessels to apply cyber security measures beginning from year 2021. See products