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We are at the heart of a solid ESG management system, the pursuit of sustainable
growth of both businesses and stakeholders, and the creation of differentiated values.

ESG Management

We have declared the four ESG policies of environmental management, precision management, human rights management, and responsibility management under the ESG Charter to create a sustainable future with all stakeholders.

ESG Charter & 4 Major ESG Policies

ESG Charter

Hanwha Systems practices ESG management to protect the global environment and to ensure the well-being and prosperity of society.

4 Major ESG Policies

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    Hanwha Systems is aware of the climate crisis and the seriousness of global warming and practices environmental management to revive the global environment.

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    Hanwha Systems practices precision management that actively intervenes in solving social problems such as inequality, irregularities, and discrimination that hinder the development of society and takes the lead.

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    Hanwha Systems practices human rights management that protects the health and safety of its employees and further protects the universal value of humanity and human rights.

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    Hanwha Systems pursues the interests of all stakeholders through transparent and fair management and practices responsibility management that contributes to the development of the nation and society.

ESG Strategy


Sustainable wArmth For Everyone

Our technology creates a warmer, more sustainable world
where everyone in society can dream of a safe and comfortable tomorrow.

ESG Management Mission

Harmonious sustainable management as a global company

ESG Progress Direction

  • Responding to ESG
    disclosure mandates

  • Preventing ESG
    regulatory risk

  • Expanding sustainable
    corporate value

The framework of the organization of the ESG council and the ESG consultative body

  • ESG Council

    • CEO

    • General management department of ESG (Operation of the consultative body, ESG management∙

      • ESG Consultative Body

        • Department in charge of supervision of the environment ∙ safety

        • Department in charge of supervision of human resources

        • Department in charge of supervision of social contribution

        • Department in charge of supervision of shared growth

        • Department in charge of supervision of quality management

        • Department in charge of supervision of information protection

        • Department in charge of supervision of governance structure

        • Department in charge of supervision of compliance∙ethics

ESG Committee Key Activities

Meeting Dates Major Agendas Attendance
Agenda 1 : Appointment of ESG Committee Chairperson Approved 100%
Report : Status of ESG Activities and Major Plans for 2023
Report : Plan to publish the Sustainability Report in 2023
Report : Publishing the Sustainability Report in 2023 100%
Report : ESG H1 2023 highlights and plans for the second half of the year
Report : ESG Q3 Highlights and Q4 Plans 100%
Agenda 1: Establishment of major ESG goals for 2024 Approved 100%
Report : 2023 Domestic ESG Assessment Results
Report : ESG Key Activities and Achievements in 2023

ESG Rating

Hanwha Systems KCGS
Korea ESG Research Institute Sustinvest MSCI
Year Overal Rating Enviromental Social Governance
2023 A A A+ A A+ A A
2022 A B+ A+ A A+ - BBB
2021 A B+ A A S - BB

ESG Performance

  • 내역이 없습니다.

Sustainable Management Report

The Hanwha Systems Sustainable Management Report contains the performance of environmental, social, and economic responsibilities and sustainable management activities and aims to actively communicate with stakeholders through transparent disclosure every year.