Read moreDefense
Laser Application System
By taking advance of its abundant experience in electro-optics technology, Hanwha Systems is stepping up the efforts to develop laser applications of electro-optical systems in alignment with the rapid progress in laser source development.
Our track records for laser applications include the development and manufacturing of laser range finders and the development of DIRCM(Directional Infrared Countermeasure). Now Our engineers are focusing on the development of core technologies of laser applications such as high speed wave-front technology, etc. Hanwha Systems is also capable of developing laser systems.
- Features
- DIRCM, the 6th
successful development
in the world - Korea’s largest laser
range finder is applied to
our systems - Development of ultra-
precision core sensors
for laser application systems
(High speed wave-front,
stabilization, camera)

DIRCM(Directed Infrared Countermeasures)
DIRCM is an airborne survival system that improves survivability of aircrafts by using high speed, precision tracking and laser-based jamming against the attack of portable infrared guided missiles(MANPADS.)- Features
- Small-sized, light weight single mold structure
- Fast driving to aim targets in the shortest time
- Real time infrared image signal processing to enable quick detection/tracking
- Generates high-power, mid-infrared jamming laser
- High precision stabilization system for effective transmission of jamming laser
High Speed
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Wave-frontHigh Speed Wave-front
The purpose of High Speed Wave-front R&D Project is to design and produce multi-channel, high speed wave-front deformable mirror, one of the key components of adaptive optics device that can compensate atmospheric turbulence. For high speed wave front deformable mirror has been included in the export control items, it is hard to obtain the component from overseas. This R&D project is intended to secure the local technology base for the item.
High speed wave-front technology can be applied to various military weapon systems including long-range threat object observation device, laser weapon systems, laser communication systems, etc. -
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CommunicationsLaser Communication
The Laser Communication Project is the ROK-US Collaboration R&D Project to design and produce wireless ground laser communication networks that can process Gbps data transmission by using laser technology. The intent of this project is to implement high speed transmission of big volume data. -
Read moreNGSLR(Next Generation Satellite Laser Ranging)
NGSLR uses the turnaround time of laser emitted from the ground to measure precise distance of satellites or space objects. It is capable of active response by utilizing high-energy laser, also.